
Interview with Lucy from Orchards about the EP „Trust Issues“

Last year the British math-pop-band ORCHARDS stepped into the scene with theire debüt „Lovecore“, now they have released an EP with the name „Trust Issues“. A beautiful and uncommon combination of pop and tricky structures. We talked to Lucy about the musical retrospektive of 2020, the power of music, role models and positive thinking.

When you showed up with your debut „Lovecore“ last year ORCHARDS where a four piece. Now you play music as a trio, what are the advantages of this line-up-size?

We actually wrote all these tracks as a four piece. But we wrote them all online which is something we“d never done before.

The EP is called „Trust Issues“, so I think that all of you had some experiences with abuse of confidence. Is it harder to trust others or to trust yourself?

The name of the EP comes from our experiences of the last year. 2020 gave us crazy trust issues, with the world! This is our little kick back at those emotions, lyrically it“s a little angier than normal but we“re still wholesome and poppy don“t worry! Trusting yourself is unique to each person, I think there are always parts of your own character that you can rely on. Once you make piece with how little control you have over everything other than your own choices the easier it is to feel free.

The music has again a positive vibe, like you guys have a very positive emanation. It seems that you are all positive thinkers, how important are self fulfilling prophecies for you?

When we write music we never set out with an end goal, or try and write a song in certain style. We just write music that we want to listen to and however that turns out, amazing! For the most part it turns into this Indie Pop Mathy weirdness but we love it!
One song on the EP is named „Drive Me Home“, what does home stand for, what is your personal description of home? Is it just a place to live or an emotion?

In this track it“s a representation of a past relationship. The tracks about feeling obliged to care about someone that doesn“t necessarily deserve it. A past relationship that you“d rather move past but for whatever reason you find yourself continuingly returning to it.

„Leave Us Here (We“re Fine)“ is a song about acceptance and about the fact that every person is fine, just the way he or she is. Could you name some stations in a persons life, where outside influence tests and changes a person an do you have some advice to resist it?

Not to sound like a broken record but the biggest thing that has challenged the lives of musicians and bands everywhere has been the pandemic. We released Lovecore 10 days before the first UK lockdown and at times it felt like all our hard work had been wiped clean. We had to turn this into a positive and change the way we approached writing our music, interacting with our fans and surviving without playing live. Having said all that, we are very grateful that in 2022 we will finally get to tour again and get out to see the fans we“ve missed so much!

Do you have any rolemodes that helped you to express yourself?

If it“s not too cheesy to say „My Mum“ then my Mum, haha, but musically I guess I take a lot of inspiration from IDLES. I love that Joe writes exactly what he wants and what he“s feeling. We collectively love EVERYTHING they write what they love and that“s something we try to do.

Singing has a power, because it is not possible to sing and think about problems at the same time. What significance does music have for your mental health?

It“s therapy. It“s our home. As musicians or creatives we wear our hearts on our sleeves, you“re constantly at the mercy of someone elses opinion and that takes a significant toll. But, being on a stage singing the words that got me through a tough time only prove to me how far I“ve come.

Alben, die Dir gefallen können:
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